Susana Raab, the juror for the exhibit, will attend the reception and speak about her own photography in the Chaney Gallery from 4:30-5:00 pm. Ms. Raab is a documentary and editorial photographer based in Washington, D.C. Her work has received recognition from numerous sources including the IPA/Lucie Awards, American Photography 24, Photo District News, The Camera Club of New York, PhotoEspana, the White House News Photographers’ Association, The Ernst Haas/Golden Light Awards, PhotoLucida’s Critical Mass, and the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. Her photographs are exhibited nationally and internationally.
During the reception, cash prizes will be awarded to the winners of the competition. Donated prizes from DPCA's exhibit sponsors, Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery, Falcon Digital Studio, Ritz Camera, and Art Things, will also be awarded.
During Maryland Hall's ArtFest, scheduled for Sunday, March 21, 2010 from 1-4 pm, the Chaney Gallery will be open. DPCA members will take votes during this time from the public to award "The People's Choice Award." Bring your friends to see the exhibit and cast your vote. A gift certificate from Bella Photo Art and Framing Gallery will be awarded to the winner of the People's Choice Award. More details about ArtFest at Maryland Hall should be available online soon.
During DPCA's regular meeting on April 12, 2010, Hunter H. Harris of Aloft Aerial Photography will present "The Bay From Above: Aerial Views of the Bay Then and Now" which juxtaposes the 1930s-1950s photography of H. Robins Hollyday with new photography by Mr. Harris, pairing views of the same stretch of the Bay region. Contrasting Hollyday's black-and-white photographs with Harris's color images of spectacular vistas and the unique viewpoint hundreds of feet above the Bay, these photographs provide astoundingly beautiful and startling evidence of the changes in the Chesapeake's shoreline, farmland, and Bay spaces over the last 75 years. After the presentation, Mr. Harris will join the club in the Chaney Gallery to answer questions. The People's Choice Award for the exhibit will also be announced and presented in the Chaney Gallery during this meeting.
If you would like to learn more about the DPCA's First Annual Juried Digital Photography Competition, or have questions about the exhibit, please email Roberta Mislevy, Exhibits Director, at director-exhibits@digitalphotoclub.net or check the DPCA web site for more information at http://www.digitalphotoclub.net/