in cooperation with
Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts

The First Annual Open-Juried Digital Photography Competition
Entry Fees: 1, 2, or 3 entries $25
Exhibit Information for the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis
The First Annual Open-Juried Digital Photography Competition
Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery, Edgewater Village Center, 66 Central Ave West, Edgewater, MD 21037
"Take Your Best Shot." Open theme and no restrictions regarding the date photographs were taken.
Exhibit Dates
November 13, 2009 to December 31, 2009.
Size of Photographs
Up to 20” by 24”. Dimensions are for print only. Matting and frame are in addition to size of photograph.
Mat & Frame
Archival Mats preferred. Quality frame with wire in place and ready to hang. No tape or clips. Identify your picture with your name, picture name, price and phone # on a card attached to the back of your photograph.
Submission Fee
Fee of $5.00 for 1 or 2 submissions. Limit of 2 photographs. (NOTE: This does not guarantee being accepted).
Submission Deadline
All photos must be submitted on-line by midnight, Monday, October 12, 2009. Email your entries to:
Submission Fee Deadline
All fees must be received by Oct. 19, 2009. Payment can be made at the October 19th photography club meeting provided submissions were made by midnight on October 12, 2009. If you need to mail your submission fee, please email for a mailing address.
Jury selection and notification
Selected photographers will be notified by email on October 20, 2009.
J. D. Cantu* professional event photographer and owner of NFrame Photography.
Rights reserved to not accept work whose appearance is not consistent with the image submitted.
Exhibit Sales
Photographer receives 60% of sales price.
On-Line Submission Details
Email images to:
Submission must be JPEG image files. We recommend that you resize to 1024 pixels (largest side) to allow the juror to view your image while keeping the file size reasonable.
Include the following information with each image:
1. Name of Photographer
2. Email Address
3. Name of Piece (i.e. Sunflowers)
4. Price
5. Size of Print Dimensions
Important Dates
October 12, 2009: Submit photographs on line no later than midnight.
October 19, 2009: Payment due.
If you will be at the October 19th meeting, your submission fee will be accepted providing your photo submissions were made online by October 12, 2009. If you are unable to attend the meeting, your submissions fees can be mailed and must be received by October 19, 2009.
October 12-19, 2009: Jurying and selection.
October 20, 2009: Notification of selections to photographers.
November 11 & 12, 2009: Drop off framed prints ready for hanging .
November 13, 2009: Exhibit opens. Reception in evening.
December 31, 2009: Exhibit closes.
January 5-6, 2010: Pick-Up unsold prints.
For More Information:
Questions to: Roberta Mislevy
*About the Juror: J.D. Cantu, Owner and Director of Photography at NFramePhotography, is a professional photographer with over 20 years of photographic experience. He has been working for the last 10 years on national and international corporate events. His career has taken him around the world documenting events for fortune 500 companies. Events have included national meeting of over 3,000 guests to 100 guests dining on The Great Wall of China. His clients include Coca Cola, Pfizer, Honda, La Quinta, TGI Fridays, Kemper Insurance and many more.