Monday, March 15, 2010

DPCA Photo Competition Exhibit Opens at Maryland Hall

Chaney Gallery Maryland Hall
On Friday, March 12, 2010, the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis's First Annual Open Juried Photo Competition opened at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts in Annapolis, MD. Linnell Bowen, the Executive Director of Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, welcomed a standing room only crowd. Gary Jameson, one of Maryland Hall's resident artists, spoke to the group about his work on display across the hall in the Martino Gallery. After Mr. Jameson's comments, Susana Raab, a photographer based in Washington, DC and the juror for the exhibit, presented a slideshow of photographs from two of her personal projects, Consumed and A Sense of Place. Ms. Raab concluded her presentation with comments on the prize-winning photographs she had selected for the exhibit.

The competition awards were presented by Ms. Raab. Hunter Harris of Aloft Aerial Photography won First Place. He was awarded a cash prize and a Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery coupon for a matted and framed 17" print. Jay Alden, former DPCA club president, won both 2nd and 3rd place prizes and was awarded cash prizes. Four Honorable Mentions were announced. Katherine Meadows, Joan Machinchick, Annette Uroskie, and Lauren Brice were each awarded a cash prize. In addition, they received a coupon from one of DPCA's exhibit sponsors. Falcon Digital Studio donated two coupons for photo services, Art Things, Inc. donated a gift certificate for their store, and Ritz Camera & Image donated a coupon for processing services.

The People's Choice Award-Vote March 21, 2010
The public is invited to visit the exhibit and vote for their favorite photograph on Sunday, March 21, 2010 from 1-4pm during Maryland Hall's ArtFest. The winner of the People's Choice Award will receive a coupon for a Photoshop Workshop at Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery. From 3:00-3:30 pm that afternoon, club member and exhibitor Chris Edwards will present "Making Great Pictures: Tips on Composition." Ms. Edwards will discuss the pieces on display in the exhibit as well as principles of digital photography. To see a full schedule of the ArtFest activities, click here.

The People's Choice award will be presented during the DPCA meeting on Monday, April 12, 2010. At 7:00 pm, Hunter Harris will present "The Bay From Above: Aerial Views of the Bay Then and Now" which juxtaposes the 1930s-1950s photography of H. Robins Hollyday with new photography by Mr. Harris, pairing views of the same stretch of the Bay region. Contrasting Hollyday's black-and-white photographs with Harris's color images of spectacular vistas and the unique viewpoint hundreds of feet above the Bay, these photographs provide astoundingly beautiful and startling evidence of the changes in the Chesapeake's shoreline, farmland, and Bay spaces over the last 75 years. After Mr. Harris speaks, the People's Choice award will be presented to the winner in the Chaney Gallery. Mr. Harris will also take questions about his presentation at that time.

The photo competition was a first time collaboration between the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis and Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts. It was open to photographers residing in Maryland. Forty-three photographs by twenty-eight photographers were selected and are on display in the Chaney Gallery and in the Hallway Gallery. Gallery hours are 10 am - 5 pm, Monday through Saturday. The exhibit will be on display through Thursday, April 22, 2010.

Chaney Gallery Maryland Hall

The Digital Photography Club of Annapolis meets every other Monday in Room 308 at Maryland Hall. Please visit the DPCA web site to learn more about the programs, to view the meeting schedule, and to see member photographs.

If you would like to learn more about Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, click here.

If you have questions about the photo competition exhibit or the DPCA activities, please contact DPCA's Exhibit Director, Roberta Mislevy, at

Saturday, February 20, 2010

DPCA-Maryland Hall Digital Photography Competition March 12-April 22, 2010

Despite the challenges and closings caused by the snowstorms of February 2010, the Opening and Reception for the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis's First Annual Open Digital Photography Competition at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts is still scheduled for Friday, March 12, 2010 from 5-7 pm. The photographs from 29 Maryland photographers will be displayed in the Chaney Gallery and the Hallway Gallery on the 2nd floor of Maryland Hall from March 12, 2010 through April 22, 2010. Directions to Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts can be found here. Gallery and building hours can be found here.

Susana Raab, the juror for the exhibit, will attend the reception and speak about her own photography in the Chaney Gallery from 4:30-5:00 pm. Ms. Raab is a documentary and editorial photographer based in Washington, D.C. Her work has received recognition from numerous sources including the IPA/Lucie Awards, American Photography 24, Photo District News, The Camera Club of New York, PhotoEspana, the White House News Photographers’ Association, The Ernst Haas/Golden Light Awards, PhotoLucida’s Critical Mass, and the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. Her photographs are exhibited nationally and internationally.

During the reception, cash prizes will be awarded to the winners of the competition. Donated prizes from DPCA's exhibit sponsors, Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery, Falcon Digital Studio, Ritz Camera, and Art Things, will also be awarded.

During Maryland Hall's ArtFest, scheduled for Sunday, March 21, 2010 from 1-4 pm, the Chaney Gallery will be open. DPCA members will take votes during this time from the public to award "The People's Choice Award." Bring your friends to see the exhibit and cast your vote. A gift certificate from Bella Photo Art and Framing Gallery will be awarded to the winner of the People's Choice Award. More details about ArtFest at Maryland Hall should be available online soon.

During DPCA's regular meeting on April 12, 2010, Hunter H. Harris of Aloft Aerial Photography will present "The Bay From Above: Aerial Views of the Bay Then and Now" which juxtaposes the 1930s-1950s photography of H. Robins Hollyday with new photography by Mr. Harris, pairing views of the same stretch of the Bay region. Contrasting Hollyday's black-and-white photographs with Harris's color images of spectacular vistas and the unique viewpoint hundreds of feet above the Bay, these photographs provide astoundingly beautiful and startling evidence of the changes in the Chesapeake's shoreline, farmland, and Bay spaces over the last 75 years. After the presentation, Mr. Harris will join the club in the Chaney Gallery to answer questions. The People's Choice Award for the exhibit will also be announced and presented in the Chaney Gallery during this meeting.

Click on the poster image to see a larger view. The poster shows some of the exhibit images and provides key information. Feel free to download and print or email to anyone you think might be interested.

If you would like to learn more about the DPCA's First Annual Juried Digital Photography Competition, or have questions about the exhibit, please email Roberta Mislevy, Exhibits Director, at or check the DPCA web site for more information at

DPCA Digital Photography Competition at Maryland Hall

The juror has made the selections for the DPCA Open Juried Digital Photography Competition at Maryland Hall. Notification of selected works was sent by email on February 1, 2010. If your photograph was selected for the exhibit, here are some important dates to remember:

March 8: Deliver to MD Hall 8:30am – 12:00pm
March 12: Opening, Reception, and awards 5 – 7 pm
April 22: Exhibit Closes
April 26: Pickup artwork 8:30 am to 12:00pm

If you are unable to pick up your work at the scheduled time, please contact Sigrid Trumpy asap at to schedule a pick up time.

Be sure to check the prospectus to review guidelines, photo size restrictions, rules, etc. If you have any additional questions, please email Roberta Mislevy, Exhibits Director, at

Digital Photography Club of Annapolis

Thursday, November 19, 2009

DPCA Open-Juried Photography Show at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts

The Digital Photography Club of Annapolis
in cooperation with
Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts


The First Annual Open-Juried Digital Photography Competition

March 12 through April 22, 2010
Competition open to photographers who reside in Maryland

Juror: Susana Raab, documentary & editorial photographer

based in Washington, DC.

*All entry materials due January 7, 2010*
A maximum of 3 entries, digital jpeg images submitted on CD
Entry Fees: 1, 2, or 3 entries $25

Selected works will be exhibited at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, 801 Chase Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21401.

For prospectus, click link below:

Photograph from DPCA's 2009 Take Your Best Shot exhibit, James Oberthaler, En Route

All inquiries or questions: email

Saturday, November 14, 2009

DPCA Take Your Best Shot Exhibit

The Digital Photography Club of Annapolis's "Take Your Best Shot," exhibit at Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery opened with a well-attended reception on Friday, November 13, 2009.

J.D. Cantu, the exhibit juror and owner of NFrame Photography, attended the reception and talked with the photographers about their work. More than 30 photographs are displayed by more than 20 DPCA club members. The DPCA exhibit photographers and Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery are teaming up to donate 15% of the total sales from the exhibit to the Visual Arts Program at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts.

The "Take Your Best Shot," exhibit will be on display at Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery in Edgewater until December 31, 2009. For more information about the exhibit, gallery hours, directions, and more, click here:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

DPCA Exhibit-Bella Photo

The "Take Your Best Shot," exhibit at Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery will open on Friday, November 13, 2009. The juried show contains more than 30 photographs submitted by members of the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis. The Visual Arts program at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts will receive 15% of the total sales from the exhibit.

The gallery reception for "Take Your Best Shot," will be held on Friday, November 13, 2009, from 6-9pm in the Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery. The gallery is located in the Edgewater Village Center, 66 Central Avenue West, in Edgewater, MD. Come to meet the DPCA photographers and the exhibit's juror, J.D. Cantu of NFrame Photography. Refreshments will be served.

The exhibit will be on display through December 31, 2009. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday: 10am to 8pm. Sunday: 12pm to 5pm. Monday: closed. For directions to the Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery, click here .

Call (410) 956-0112 or email for more information.

Photo by Lauren Peeler Brice.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery Exhibit

Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery in Edgewater, MD will be hosting a juried exhibit of photographs taken by members of the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis. The exhibit is open to DPCA members in good standing. Bella Photo Art & Framing and DPCA have agreed to donate 15% of the total sales from this exhibit to the Visual Arts program at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts.

Details of the exhibition are as follows:

Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery, Edgewater Village Center, 66 Central Ave West, Edgewater, MD 21037

"Take Your Best Shot." Open theme and no restrictions regarding the date photographs were taken.

Exhibit Dates
November 13, 2009 to December 31, 2009.

Size of Photographs
Up to 20” by 24”. Dimensions are for print only. Matting and frame are in addition to size of photograph.

Mat & Frame
Archival Mats preferred. Quality frame with wire in place and ready to hang. No tape or clips. Identify your picture with your name, picture name, price and phone # on a card attached to the back of your photograph.

Submission Fee
Fee of $5.00 for 1 or 2 submissions. Limit of 2 photographs. (NOTE: This does not guarantee being accepted).

Submission Deadline
All photos must be submitted on-line by midnight, Monday, October 12, 2009. Email your entries to:

Submission Fee Deadline
All fees must be received by Oct. 19, 2009. Payment can be made at the October 19th photography club meeting provided submissions were made by midnight on October 12, 2009. If you need to mail your submission fee, please email for a mailing address.

Jury selection and notification
Selected photographers will be notified by email on October 20, 2009.

J. D. Cantu* professional event photographer and owner of NFrame Photography.

Rights reserved to not accept work whose appearance is not consistent with the image submitted.

Exhibit Sales
Photographer receives 60% of sales price.

On-Line Submission Details
Email images to:
Submission must be JPEG image files. We recommend that you resize to 1024 pixels (largest side) to allow the juror to view your image while keeping the file size reasonable.

Include the following information with each image:
1. Name of Photographer
2. Email Address
3. Name of Piece (i.e. Sunflowers)
4. Price
5. Size of Print Dimensions

Important Dates
October 12, 2009: Submit photographs on line no later than midnight.
October 19, 2009: Payment due.
If you will be at the October 19th meeting, your submission fee will be accepted providing your photo submissions were made online by October 12, 2009. If you are unable to attend the meeting, your submissions fees can be mailed and must be received by October 19, 2009.
October 12-19, 2009: Jurying and selection.
October 20, 2009: Notification of selections to photographers.
November 11 & 12, 2009: Drop off framed prints ready for hanging .
November 13, 2009: Exhibit opens. Reception in evening.
December 31, 2009: Exhibit closes.
January 5-6, 2010: Pick-Up unsold prints.

For More Information:
Questions to: Roberta Mislevy

*About the Juror: J.D. Cantu, Owner and Director of Photography at NFramePhotography, is a professional photographer with over 20 years of photographic experience. He has been working for the last 10 years on national and international corporate events. His career has taken him around the world documenting events for fortune 500 companies. Events have included national meeting of over 3,000 guests to 100 guests dining on The Great Wall of China. His clients include Coca Cola, Pfizer, Honda, La Quinta, TGI Fridays, Kemper Insurance and many more.